Eleven's Eggo Hat

Galentine's day is pretty much over and Valentine's day has just begun, BUT I still want to take time to celebrate one of the most badass gals out there: Eleven from Stranger Things! (And her love for Eggos!)

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay

Those of us who have watched Stranger Things know that if Eleven could be a fangirl of anything she'd be one for Eggos. The minute I saw the trailer for season 2 I got the idea for a waffle hat and started designing! It's too bad that we have to wait until Halloween for more episodes, but knitting a few waffles will keep a person busy in the meantime, right?

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay
I'm here to kick ass and eat Eggos. And I'm all out of Eggos.
I hope to have the (free!) pattern up in the next few weeks if nothing gets in the way. I'm currently working out the kinks in how I've been writing the pattern. If anyone is interested in pre-testing it leave me a comment and we'll chat!

UPDATE 10/30/17: Pattern now available for fee on Ravelry! 
Get it here!

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay

Should I stay or should Eggo?

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay

This hat is ridiculously comfortable and warm! A perfect thermal hat for colder weather. Best part is that if you're not a huge fan or Eggos and waffles (for SHAME) this pattern is subtle enough to get away with not looking like one. Oh, and did I mention it's REVERSIBLE?

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay

So knitters, stay tuned for the pattern! If anyone is interested in having their very own hat and don't knit or don't feel like it, let me know and I'd be happy to make one for you!

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay

This was really fun to shoot! My personal photographer (mom) and I ventured deep into our neighboring woods and basically had a great time getting dirty and goofing off! (No matter how serious I look, I can't help being a huge dork underneath.) I was quite proud of my make up and styling for this shoot too. All of the pieces for the outfit came from thrift stores. The collar was from a button-up that I altered to make into a Peter Pan shape, and I can't wait to wear it with more outfits!

Friends don't lie, Thanks for stopping by and reading my post! 

Stranger Things Eleven's Eggo Hat and casual cosplay

Are you excited for Stranger Things to return?? Let me know in the comments! 


By the way, this post is in no way sponsored by Eggo or Netflix. Believe me, guys, I'd tell you if that happened. In fact, I'd never shut up about it.