Yub Nub! Knitted Ewok Hood

It's May the 4th and you know what that means!
It's Star Wars Day!

One of my favorite geeky holidays! And boy do I have some awesomeness to show you! (Considering you like Star Wars and/or knitted/crocheted things.) Keep an eye out for new posts today and/or tomorrow for Revenge of the 5th!

Star Wars is my ultimate favorite fandom. It was the first one I really became a part of, and has stuck with me for over 18 years. This past winter, I finally decided to add a really cute Star Wars inspired hood to my collection:
The Ewok hood!

Knit orange Ewok hood like Wicket from Star Wars

This idea has been marinating in my mind for the past 8 years or so. I was never able to find a pattern that was exactly what I wanted. That is until the day that I decided to design my own!

Knit orange Ewok hood like Wicket from Star Wars

The results are really satisfying and super cute! I even wore it to the theater when I went to see The Force Awakens. Once people figured out what it was, they loved it!

Knit orange Ewok hood like Wicket from Star Wars

While I will not be releasing a pattern in the near future, (mostly because I'm rubbish at it,) I will give you an idea of how it came to be! If you are more advanced with knitting, you may be able to work out a pattern that suits you!

The piece was knit flat long enough to go around my neck and more. Then I bound off 15 or so stitches from the end and continued upwards with the hood. At a certain point, I began decreases in the center to add a curved shape to the back of the hood. (I HATE pointy hoods! Unless they're elf hoods...) When the length was right, I kitchener stitched the top sides together.

Knit orange Ewok hood like Wicket from Star Wars WIP

If you make a hood based on this, please tag me in it on Instagram or Twitter and use #fangirlcrafter!

For the ears I used a pattern from Stitch Geek that I found on Ravelry. Adjusting the pattern according to my needs, I knit the pieces together using two types of yarn for my desired look. I used (my favorite) Caron Simply Soft solids in brown for the plain front and Jo-Ann Sensations Beautiful for the fuzzy back.

Knit orange Ewok hood like Wicket from Star Wars

It's so comfy and so much fun to wear!

Knit orange Ewok hood like Wicket from Star Wars

Have you ever made an Ewok hood or something Star Wars related? Let me know in the comments!
Also, feel free to add me on Ravelry. Even if I'm not on that often, it's fun seeing what friends are making and connecting with other yarncrafters!

I hope you have a FANtastic day, and May the 4th be with you, always.