Gotta Catch 'Em All! Poké Ball Bracelet and Earrings

Pokémon is 20 years old! 

I was pretty much obsessed with the original television show when I was in 6th grade. The characters were so much fun and it was unlike any other show I had seen before. I was also a card collector which means I had no idea how to play the game and because of that I made a lot of bad trades. I got most of my cards (which I still have, by the way) from KB Toys. Ahh, the good old days!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm sharing two fun Pokémon related pieces of jewelry I've made. The first is one of my favorite, and most intricate, pieces of polymer clay jewelry I have ever created: a Poké Ball bracelet!

Polymer Clay Pokémon Poké Ball Charm Bracelet

In the IGGPPC forums last year there was a post for a fandom jewelry swap and I immediately signed up! I decided to go ALL OUT for my partner, and her love of Pokemon gave me the inspiration I needed to make this bracelet the very best. (I had to. Sorry, not sorry.)

Polymer Clay Pokémon Poké Ball Charm Bracelet

These are the Poké Balls my swap partner requested:
Classic Pokeball, heal ball, Team Rocket ball, Great ball, Diamond ball, Master ball, Ultra ball, Premier ball, and Safari ball.

Polymer Clay Pokémon Poké Ball Charm Bracelet

I used a tutorial from my favorite polymer clay artist on YouTube, and the person whose tutorials got me interested in clay crafts in the first place, NerdECrafter! Here is the video:

Check out her other tutorials! They're guaranteed to inspire you to create.

I combined this technique with pictures of the other Poké Balls I was able to find online as a guide to the various designs. The only charm that took multiple attempts was the Diamond ball. I eventually ended up embedding the crystals into the clay itself, and that seemed to be the most effective way to keep them in place. As you can see, I ended up making the charms quite small which made this a meticulous process.

The second piece of Pokémon jewelry I have to share are some Poké Ball earrings! 

Polymer Clay Pokémon Poké Ball stud earrings

I didn't use a tutorial, but I did find some inspiration online and decided to go for it. If you want to try and make a pair for yourself, here are a few video tutorials that you may find helpful: DIY:Pokeball Stud Earrings and DIY Pokeball Earrings

Are you a Pokémon fan? Which are your favorites? I had so many when I was younger: Pikachu, Mew, Togepi, Evee, Vulpix, Psyduck... the list goes on!

Fangirl Crafter Kelsey with Pikachu at PAX Prime 2015
From my trip to PAX Prime in Seattle 2015

Happy Birthday, Pokémon! 
Here's to 20 more years and many different and weird Pokémon to catch!